Handing in your notice made easy with the right support network.

Up until a few months ago, I had never thought twice about leaving my job.  Having worked in recruitment for most of my professional life I was firmly in my comfort zone. I knew my role well and was respected within the field, with the day-to-day tasks of a recruitment consultant becoming second nature. 

When an opportunity came up that I couldn’t turn down, the time came for me to be the one handing my notice in; a process I have helped so many through over the years. Yet now it was my turn, it seemed daunting to say the least. 

Sleepless nights – These were the first to come knocking! As a light sleeper already, this wasn’t a huge surprise. Great memories came flooding back and stopped me from getting the rest that I needed to feel focused on my future. The office parties, the conferences, the team, and the wonderful people that I have met in my 12 years service. That, paired with recollection of personal tragedies I experienced during the time I spent in the role and the immense emotional support I received off the colleagues around me, left me feeling unsure. 

Was I making the right decision?  

The doubt – Was taking on a new challenge a good idea in the middle of a global pandemic? I wasn’t sure. I also found myself in a position, as did many, where I was unable to seek advice from those closest to me face to face and of course it wasn’t something I could discuss with my colleagues. Was this the right move, the right time, the right anything? 

For about 2 weeks after making the initial decision, I was crippled with the fear of failure and the unknown.  

That was when I had decided that I had come too far not to follow my dream. I was scared to leave my comfort zone. Not scared that I couldn’t do this, because I knew I could. 

The Big Day – It finally arrived in a whirlwind of emotion. The conversation with my employer was difficult, but my decision was final. That evening I experienced a sense of calm, clarity and, dare I say, excitement for my next chapter. The previous 2 weeks had caused so much stress, however I allowed myself to reflect on how I had come to the conclusion of resigning. Had I found my ‘why’? The answer would be a complex blog in itself but, more importantly, I had come through it and was feeling more positive than I had in a long time.  

Support – Those that know me, will know I can be a tad dramatic (I blame the drama degree)! Thankfully, my partner had been there to listen and guide me through the process, remind me of the reasons I had set the wheels in motion and supported my decision. I was also fortunate to have a new business partner that was experiencing the same emotional turmoil whilst handling it much better than I did! 

I am not sure what the future holds, but I am very clear that I have made the right decision to move on and I am glad that there were people along the way to help keep me on track. I can honestly say I will never look at handing in a notice in the same light again. 

We are here – Miller Grace are now fully aware of the emotional rollercoaster that you will face and will be here to support you through the whole process, we are here to listen to your needs. This can range from assistance with resignation letters, advice on how to manage your notice period and exit interviews or simply just be here to be that friendly ear offering words of support. We work in partnership with you to ensure that you’re making the right career decision every step of the way.   

To discuss further or for an informal chat, please contact Jamie or Grace on 0161 676 5225
